Sunday, May 8, 2016

About the Temporary Title

     "This is my favorite book in all the world, although I have never read it."

     This is one of the default quotes about literature I use off the top of my head; since it is the introductory sentence to William Goldman's classic tale of true love and high adventure, The Princess Bride. (And what a great opening sentence, right? You have to see what comes next.) Also a good quote, from a theologian named Thomas a Kempis: "Whenever I have a little spare money, I buy books. If I have any left over, I buy food."

     The temporary title of this blog, Dust-Jacket Judgmentalism, came for a simple reason: Mom and Courtney loathe dust jackets. I'm not sure why. But the alliteration sounded good as a title once we got the idea to start this blog. Enjoy!


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