Friday, May 20, 2016

Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity by Tim Challies


Tim Challies gets a LOT done.  He gets the right things done.  Matt Perman interviewed him in What's Best Next on how he organizes a typical day.  When I read the interview, I wished it was longer and more detailed.  So I was thrilled when I heard he had written an entire book on productivity!  It has turned out to be an answer to my prayer that I would be abundant in good works.  

Tim defines productivity as "effectively stewarding your gifts, talents, time, energy, and enthusiasm for the good of others and the glory of God."  Keeping this definition in mind, I worked my way through this short book, pausing to complete the Action Steps before moving on.  I had already written my mission statement while reading What's Best Next, but I was stuck on how to set up my day/week based on it.  Through Do More Better, Tim Challies took me from "stuck" to "doing".  I completely reorganized my Evernote, set up Todoist and downloaded Google Calendar.  Everything is so USEABLE when Tim explains it!  I am able to think about my responsibilities in a more organized way!  

As I write this review, I have been using the system for five months and it has made "doing good" smoother, more flexible, and more likely to get done.

--Jatina  :) 

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